Materials Required:
- A collection of common household or office supply items (e.g., paper clips, rubber bands, straws, cups, balloons)
- A list of timed challenges or tasks that can be completed using the provided materials
- Stopwatch or timer
- Scoring system or criteria for evaluating team performance
Pre-Activity Preparation:
- Compile a diverse set of timed challenges or tasks that can be completed using the provided materials
- Determine the order or sequence in which teams will participate
- Set up the activity area and organize the necessary materials
Activity Introduction:
- Explain the objectives and rules of the "Win It a Minute" activity
- Emphasize the importance of teamwork, communication, and strategic decision-making
- Demonstrate an example challenge or task to set expectations
Challenge Execution:
- Present a challenge or task to the teams
- Teams must strategically select the most suitable team member to complete the task within 60 seconds
- Start the timer and allow the designated team member to attempt the challenge
- Encourage teams to communicate, provide support, and strategize during the challenge
- Award points or score based on successful completion or predetermined criteria