Materials Required:
- Water balloons (in ample quantity)
- Cloth materials (e.g., bed sheets, large towels, or tarpaulin)
- Open space or designated activity area
- Bucket or container for refilling water balloons (optional)
Team Formation:
- Divide participants into two equal teams
- Encourage diversity in team composition for varied perspectives
Pre-Activity Briefing:
- Explain the rules and objectives of the activity clearly
- Demonstrate the use of cloth materials and water balloons
- Emphasize the importance of teamwork, communication, and coordination
- Designate a playing area or court with a dividing line or net
- Provide each team with cloth materials (e.g., bed sheets, towels, tarpaulin)
- Distribute water balloons equally to both teams
Activity Execution:
- Teams take positions on opposite sides of the playing area
- The objective is to pass the water balloon to the opposing team using the cloth materials
- Teams must work together to catch and pass the water balloon without dropping it
- If a water balloon drops or breaks, the opposing team scores a point
- Encourage teams to devise strategies, communicate effectively, and coordinate their movements
Scoring and Evaluation:
- Keep track of the points scored by each team
- The team with the most points or the team that reaches a predetermined score first wins
- Consider additional criteria such as teamwork, communication, coordination, and problem-solving skills