Choosing a Team Building Company: 9 Key Factors

Before you choose another team building company, consider these 9 factors. Team building activities can be an excellent way to forge a bond between coworkers and help them work together more effectively. As a manager, choosing the right team building company is essential to your team’s success.

Many companies realize the importance of team building, but they don’t have a good idea what to look for when they are trying to select a company that can help them with their team building activities. There are so many different types of team building activities that it can be hard to know where to look. Some companies will focus on some things and neglect the others. So what should your decision making criteria be?

If you want to make sure you do not regret the decision later, here are some things you should consider before selecting the right company to build your team.

What should you look for in a team-building company?

  1. Know what your team needs 

Before you begin browsing and booking, it’s important to have a few things established: what are your goals and what do you hope to get out of this experience? Do you have an idea of who will be attending? Consider the team’s skill level and experience. Are they all new hires or have they been around for awhile? What are some things that drive them nuts? What are some things that they love? These are all important things to consider when booking your team building event. Knowing exactly what you want and need will go a long way when selecting a company.

  1. Consider how well their team building activities fits your culture and values.

Would your employees enjoy the type of team building activities that company offers? Ensure your choice of team building company understands your needs as well as the goals. It is important to consider your company culture before choosing which company to work with. Will they fit in with your company culture? Does their approach align with what you're trying to accomplish?

And If you're looking for an icebreaker, don't book something that's designed for team bonding or leadership development; look for a team building activity that's focused on facilitating introductions and creating connections between attendees. Lastly, check if their activities fit the team's abilities and interests. Only then you can reap the complete benefits of a team building event.

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  1. Look for facilitators, not entertainers

Some team building companies offer nothing but games and fun events. This is a mistake because purely entertaining activities don't necessarily build teams. A good facilitator will know when to have fun and when it's time to get serious about creating bonds between team members and improving productivity levels.

  1. Consider the team's skill level and experience.

A good team building company should have organized multiple events across different industries. Also, check whether they have organized events with teams of similar size as yours or not. The main goal is to have people working together more productively and effectively. That takes real expertise from a consultant who understands how teams form and function.

Look for the best team building company who have experience in your industry and the specific kind of training or facilitation that your company needs. You wouldn't hire a personal trainer who didn't know how to use weights, so don't work with a team building provider who doesn't understand what goes into effective teamwork.

  1. Completely understand their costs and services

Next , completely understand their costs and services. Don't be afraid to ask questions about the different elements of their service, like the venue, catering, equipment and activities.

You should also make sure that you know exactly how many people are included in the quote. Some companies will only include a certain number of participants but will charge extra for every person over that amount.

Lastly , make sure that the company provides an event coordinator who will be there throughout the day to help your group with whatever they need.

  1. Ensure you see the results of their activities

Most importantly, ensure you see the results of their team building activities for other clients before agreeing to anything with them. If they can show you that their activities work well for others, then you can be confident in choosing to work with them because there's a good chance that their activities will also work well for your employees.

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  1. Make Sure they Listen to You & Empathize with What You Need

When planning your event, make sure your team building company is listening to what you need from the event and can empathize with the challenges you face as a company. A good team building company will focus on your objectives first and then suggest activities based on these objectives.

  1. Make sure they offer customized programs catering to your team building needs

Every team is unique and has different needs. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for every organization, so find a company that works with you to create programs tailored specifically for your audience. A good team building provider will customize their programs and activities to meet your goals and objectives as well as suit each individual group's size, age, and ability level.

Pro tip: If you are looking for virtual team building activity, make sure the team building company can provide an immersive experience while catering to the needs of your remote team.

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  1. Lastly, make Sure their activities are actually Fun and Meaningful

The truth is, team building isn't just supposed to be fun; it's supposed to be amazing, unforgettable, and meaningful! It should be an experience that changes people's lives by helping them break through their barriers and become the best they can be.

To sum up

Team building activities can be an excellent way to forge a bond between coworkers and help them work together more effectively. As a manager, choosing the right team building company is essential to your team’s success.

To sum it all up, choosing the right team building company can be tricky if you don’t know what to look for. However, once you make the right choice, you will achieve great results and have a more engaged team.If you take the time to do your research and identify the key factors in choosing a team building company, you can make sure that you're picking one that provides your team with a memorable experience.

Still have so many doubts about choosing a perfect team building activity? Our experts can help you clear the confusion. Talk to our experts with more than 30+ years of experience to help you plan a perfect team building experience?

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