April 20, 2024

Engage New Hires with Fun Virtual Onboarding Programs: Best Practices and Activities

Unlock the secrets to a successful virtual onboarding program with our guide. Learn how to keep new hires engaged with interactive activities and essential tips that make remote onboarding fun and effective. Perfect for ensuring new employees integrate seamlessly into your company culture.

How to make Virtual Onboarding Program Fun to keep new hires engaged?

What Is Virtual Onboarding? 

It is a process where new employees are given training and orientations online, instead of in-person. This type of onboarding has many benefits, both for the employer and the employee.

Virtual onboarding sessions are a great way to get your new employees up to speed on your company culture and values, and to help them feel welcome and comfortable in their new roles. This can give your employees the foundation they need to be successful in their new jobs, without putting unnecessary stress on them during the onboarding process.

Virtual onboarding processes can be customized according to the needs of your company and your employees. You can create a virtual onboarding program that includes all the essential information your employees need to know, without overwhelming them with too much information at once.

Benefits Of Virtual Onboarding Session

There are many benefits to using virtual onboarding for your new employees. With virtual onboarding, you can onboard multiple employees at the same time, without the need for travel or in-person meetings. This can save your company time and money. 

Some of the benefits of virtual onboarding for the employer include:

Cost savings: Virtual onboarding is typically more cost-effective than in-person onboarding, as it doesn't require the company to cover travel and accommodation costs.

Flexibility: With virtual onboarding, employees can complete their training and orientations at a time and place that is convenient for them.

Increased productivity: Employees who are onboarded virtually are typically more productive, as they can get started with their job duties sooner.

Builds cohesive work environment: Virtual onboarding can also help employers better connect with remote employees and create a more cohesive work environment. 

Must read: 9 Team Building Activities for Small Groups (Not Boring)‍

How to make Virtual Onboarding Program Fun and Interactive? 

Developing an effective virtual onboarding program is critical for ensuring that new employees are properly oriented to your company culture and values and are able to hit the ground running in their new roles.

When done correctly, virtual onboarding can be an extremely effective way to welcome new employees and help them transition into their new role. There are a few key things to keep in mind when creating a virtual onboarding program, however, to ensure that it runs smoothly and is enjoyable for all involved. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to onboarding new employees, but there are some key principles that all good onboarding programs should follow. A good onboarding program should be interactive and engaging, and it should be tailored to the needs of the individual.

Here are some specific ideas for interactive and engaging virtual onboarding activities:

  1. Keep the program organized and structured. 

Make sure that the program is comprehensive and covers all of the essential information that new employees need to know. This will help new employees feel less overwhelmed as they start their new job, and will give them a clear understanding of what is expected of them. 

  1. Make sure to include plenty of opportunities for interaction and socialization.

This can be done through virtual icebreakers, coffee chats, or even just scheduled breaks for employees to get to know each other. Use a mix of methods to deliver the information, including written materials, video presentations, and live webinars or Q&A sessions. 

  1. Give new employees a tour of the office 

Use video conferencing to give new employees a tour of the office and introduce them to their team. This is a great way to help them feel welcomed and comfortable in their new environment, introduce them to their team, and help them feel prepared for their first day on the job.

Here are a few tips for giving a great virtual tour:

  • Get everyone on the same page by sending out a meeting agenda beforehand. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect.
  • Give a brief overview of the company and its history. Also briefly explain how their contributions are going to help the company in future. This will help new employees feel a sense of belonging. 
  • Show the employee around the office, pointing out key areas and explaining how things work.

  1. Use online quizzes and surveys to assess new employees' skills and knowledge.

Pre-employment testing is a valuable tool for employers. It can help you to assess a new employee's skills and knowledge in a particular area, and to identify any training needs they may have. Online quizzes and surveys are a great way to administer pre-employment testing, and there are a number of different platforms you can use to do this but there are a few things you should keep in mind. 

  • First, make sure you choose a platform that is reliable and has a good reputation. There are a number of different platforms out there, so do your research to find one that will work well for you. 
  • Second, create a test or survey that is relevant to the job you are hiring for. This will help you to assess whether or not the new employee has the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the role.

  1. Make onboarding more fun and engaging.

Onboarding can be a time of great excitement and energy, but it can also be a bit overwhelming for new hires. That's why it's important to make remote onboarding fun and engaging, so that new employees feel welcome and supported as they start their journey with your company.

One way to do this is to incorporate team building activities into the onboarding process. This can help new hires feel like they're part of a team from the very beginning, and it can also help them get to know their colleagues better. Team building activities can be anything from group lunches to after-work happy hours to days spent volunteering together. Whatever you do, make sure it's something that everybody will enjoy.

Team building activities are a great way to help new employees feel comfortable and welcomed, while also allowing them to get to know their co-workers better. Plus, they can be a lot of fun! 

Bonus: If you are struggling to organize engaging online team building or fun icebreaker games for your new hires, partner with us to strengthen teams in your organization with the help of fun and engaging team experiences that are catered to your team goals and needs.

  1. Create an online community for new employees to connect with each other and ask questions.

An online community can be a great way for new employees to connect with each other and ask questions. By creating an online community, you can help new employees adjust to their new job and feel more comfortable in their new environment. This can be a great resource for new employees to ask questions and get advice from more experienced employees.

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating an online community for new employees. First, you will need to decide what platform to use for your community. There are a variety of different platforms that you can use, so it is important to choose one that is easy to use and that will be accessible to all of your employees. Additionally, you will need to moderate the community to ensure that it is a positive and productive environment for all.

  1. Provide new employees with access to online tutorials and resources.

In order to onboard new employees and help them acclimate to your company's culture and workflows, it is important to provide them with access to online tutorials and resources. By doing this, you can give them the tools they need to be successful in their new role.

There are a variety of online tutorials and resources available, and you can choose those that best fit your company's needs. Some popular options include video tutorials, e-learning courses, and webinars. You can also provide new employees with access to your company's intranet or knowledge base, which can be a valuable resource for them as they learn more about your company and its operations.


Onboarding new employees is an important process to the company culture and ensuring their continued engagement from the team.  While virtual onboarding has its challenges, there are ways to make it fun and engaging for new hires. Virtual onboarding does not have to be boring. By incorporating fun activities, new hires can stay engaged and excited about their new job, get to know their colleagues and feel like part of the team. 

If you are interested in making virtual onboarding more fun and make sure your new hires have a positive experience with your company from the start, explore our virtual team activities.

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