Boost Efficiency: 12 Little-Known Team Management Tips

Managers are faced with a constant stream of competing demands, pressures, and objectives. This makes it difficult to find the time to manage their teams effectively. Here are some tips that can help you to boost your team's efficiency and productivity.

12 Little Known Team Management Tips To Boost Efficiency and Productivity

Have you ever wondered how you can increase your team's efficiency and productivity? 

You have great employees who are the best in their field and yet, no matter how hard they try, performance seems stagnant. 

While it may not feel like it sometimes, managing a team is not always easy. We all want to be effective managers, but sometimes it can be tricky to know how to do this. Although there is no single "best" way to manage. But how do you know what's best for each employee or which team management model works best for your team? 

This article will discuss 12  little known tips for managing your team that could improve productivity and efficiency.

1. Celebrate progress in an all-hands meeting.

In an all-hands meeting, a leader can discuss what the team has accomplished and how much progress it's made towards its goals. This is a great way to motivate employees and show them that their work matters. It also gives them an opportunity to share their ideas for the future and get feedback from management. 

You can motivate your team members by celebrating their accomplishments — both the big ones and the small ones. You’ll find that celebrating your employees’ successes will help them feel valued, which can have a direct impact on their productivity.

Pro tip: You can make use of quick team building activities to celebrate your team’s accomplishments while reaping other benefits of team building like improved collaboration, communication and trust among colleagues.

2. Schedule Time For brainstorming sessions.

When you get stuck on a project, it can be helpful to bring together some of your most talented employees for a brainstorming session or two. Working together with other people can help you generate new ideas and perspectives, which often lead to better results than if you were working alone. If you want to encourage collaboration among team members, try setting aside regular times each week for getting together outside of work hours to share ideas and bounce around ideas with each other before bringing them back into the office environment where they can be implemented. The more often you do this, the more likely it is that your team will start coming up with solutions on its own rather than waiting for direction from the managers (which can be very effective).

3. Promote healthy competition among your team members.

Competition is good for teams, but it can also be destructive if it's not managed properly. Encouraging healthy competition can give your team members a sense of purpose and help them focus on their work.

Creating a sense of healthy competition among your team members is a great way to motivate them and make them work harder. It can also help you spot the best performers in the team and reward them accordingly. The key here is to keep things positive and fair. If you’re promoting healthy competition, then everyone should have equal opportunity for rewards, recognition and growth for their good work.

4. Get them to understand how each task fits into the bigger picture.

It's all too easy for employees to get lost in the details of their work and never see the bigger picture. They may be so focused on what they're doing right now that they can't see how it fits into the bigger picture and how it contributes to the company's goals.

Team members are more likely to work harder if they know that their efforts are contributing to a larger cause. If you can help them see how their individual contributions fit into the bigger picture, they’ll be more motivated to do a good job. This is especially true when it comes to customer service teams; if your team knows that they’re helping the organization achieve their goals, they’ll be more likely to give excellent service.

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5. Create a culture of delegation by understanding each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Delegate tasks based on skill sets and experience levels rather than just seniority or tenure with the company. Look at your employees' skill sets holistically, not just in terms of what they're currently doing at work. This means that if they've had experience doing something in the past (such as writing), they may be able to do it again even though they're currently working in another department (such as sales).

When delegating tasks, explain why they need to be done and how they fit into the overall goals of the company or department — this will help employees understand how their role contributes to their end goal and make them more invested in their work than just completing a task because someone told them so. Let your team members know that you trust them to complete certain tasks without supervision — this will help them give their best.

6. Encourage, but don't control each other's workstyle.

When you are in a team, you will have different styles of working and managing. It can be tempting for managers to try and control their employees’ work style – but this is a mistake.

If you want your team to be more productive, you need to let them work in the way that they are most comfortable with. It’s important not to try and force people into doing things your way — it will only lead to frustration and resentment.

Instead, you should encourage each other to find their own way of working and suggest ways on how to do it more successfully. For example, some people like to work in the morning while others prefer to get started at lunchtime. Some people prefer working alone while others like working in teams. 

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7. Encourage creativity and risk-taking.

Creativity is an essential part of innovation. Creativity allows your team to think beyond our current way of doing things and come up with new ideas that can help us achieve our goals faster and more efficiently. 

 If they feel like they can’t make mistakes or take risks without getting punished for it, then they won’t do anything at all! Encourage employees to express their ideas openly while also providing them with the necessary resources to carry out their ideas if they're approved by management.

Make sure your employees feel free to innovate without fear of failure. You can encourage creativity by letting them know that if they come up with something awesome and it works out well for your company, then you will give them credit for it! This will encourage them to keep trying new ideas, even if some of them don’t work out as planned!

8. Maintain a culture of continuous growth and learning.

It's not just about having the best team members, but also about fostering a climate that encourages employees to develop their skills and grow as professionals.The key is to make sure that there are opportunities for your team members to learn new things, so that they can continue to grow and develop their careers.

Don't just treat employee training as something that happens once or twice a year. Instead, create an environment where people are always learning new things, whether it's through online courses or in-person workshops. 

Make sure your team members have opportunities to collaborate with each other across departments (for example, customer service reps working with developers). This will help both groups learn from each other and improve their overall productivity at work.

9. Set Clear, Non-Ambiguous Goals

The most important thing you can do as a manager is set clear goals for your team members so they know what they need to do in order to accomplish those goals.

The goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely (SMART). Each member of the team should know exactly what they need to do in order to achieve these goals. If this isn't the case then it's time for some serious reflection on how you're running your business or project.

By creating a clear incentive structure based on these goals, you'll ensure that every member of your team knows exactly what needs doing and why it needs doing, which means no one will feel like they're slacking off or doing unnecessary work just because someone else wants them

10. Help your Team focus on the processes that lead to efficiency and productivity.

There are many different ways to organize and prioritize your team's work, but it's important to determine whether you want to focus on efficiency or productivity.

Start by taking an honest look at your organization's goals, processes and tools. Do they actually help you achieve what you want? If not, find ways to make them more efficient or effective.

For example, if you're trying to improve customer service but you're using a massive call center staffed with 100 agents who spend most of their time talking about sports or personal issues instead of helping customers, then it's hard for them to be productive and efficient at their jobs. In this case, it would make sense for you to hire fewer people who each work one-on-one with customers instead of having so many people in a call center who aren't as effective as they could be.

11. Reward good initiatives, irrespective of results.

The best way to motivate them is by rewarding their efforts towards achieving the goals set by you or your company. 

When an employee comes up with a good idea that contributes to the company’s success, don’t forget to reward them for it. It doesn’t matter if the idea did not work out well or didn’t help achieve any goal. The fact that they put in efforts should be rewarded with something constructive. If you keep rewarding good initiatives irrespective of results, then your team members will always come up with new ideas and suggestions. This will boost employee morale in the team and make employees more motivated and productive.

12. Teach your team members how their roles are interlocked with others' in a process.

Your job as a leader is to make sure everyone knows what they're doing and why they're doing it. When employees understand how their work affects others' tasks and vice versa, it improves communication and collaboration among them. 

Give them a clear idea of what they're responsible for. Don't just tell them, but show them by walking through the workflow together. This will help them understand not only what their role is, but also what others' roles are. When they see the big picture, they'll know how to better support each other and work together more effectively.

Make sure everyone knows exactly what needs to be done and by when so there's no confusion about next steps or accountability for results.


A manager's role is not only to instruct and supervise employees but also to improve the synergy on teams. This can be done through leading by example as a team player, promoting a collaborative organizational culture and fostering an engaged workforce. Some of these tips on team management may be well known but not necessarily widely practiced by many managers. Ultimately, effective team management boils down to developing strategies that integrate the needs of the company and its employees.

These 12 team management tips are sure to help managers get closer to their teams so that they can better serve the bottom line of their business, ultimately going beyond just doing more with less.

Bonus: Making regular team building activities part of your work culture is one of the greatest ways to improve employee performance by creating strong teams. Partner with us to unleash the fullest potential of your team with the help of fun and engaging experiences 
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